
Freelancing Pakistan | Free home base work 2024 | Freelancing digital panda

Freelancing Pakistan | Free home base work 2024 | Freelancing digital panda

 Freelancing ;

One of the biggest advantages of technology is that you don’t have to go anywhere to make money, but even if you work from home, the money will come naturally. As in the rest of the world, thousands of people in Pakistan earn money by providing various services to their clients as

 Freelance platform


 at home and abroad. Surprisingly, the work of Pakistani designers is admired not only all over the world but also for their attitude.

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affordable prices and on-time delivery distinguish them from designers in other countries, especially India. You prices and on-time delivery distinguish them from designers in other countries, especially India. You can freelance anywhere with a good internet connection and a laptop. In technical jargon, freelancing means getting paid to work for a person or company in any country over the Internet. anywhere with a good internet connection and a laptop. In technical jargon, freelancing means getting paid to work for a person or company in any country over the Internet.

There are many freelancing platforms but the most famous are Fiver and Upwork. Many people are working on Fiver and earning millions of dollars all over the wor;


Fiver is derived from the English word five meaning five and in the beginning every job on Fiver was five dollars but now there are reasonable rates available for every job. Although still, most people come here looking for cheap work. Fiver It is easy for both the seller and the buyer. Just create your account on Fiver and create a gig for the work you are good at. The job you offer is called a gig in Fiver parlance.


That is, if you do web designing work, then you will make a gig that I will design the website for so many rupees and the buyer will see your gig and decide whether he wants to do the work or not. In simple words, on Fiver, you create your shop and sit and the buyer comes and buys. In Pakistan, it is generally observed that freelancers do not care about professionalism while creating gigs. Most of the users copy gigs and ideas. But the professionalism of this expert and his integrity cannot copy his hard work.

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Upwork does the opposite of Fiver. You have to find buyers yourself. Each client can leave a personal message saying I will do the job for you. Normally, there are 10 people here who message a potential client in an hour, which increases the competition a lot. With Fiver, the client sees your performance and sends me to do the job. However, a new freelancer on Upwork usually does not get approved.

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Once you find a job, even if you get approved, you can still send requests to five to six clients every month because on Upwork you get twenty requests every month. It gives good points. Applying for each job will cost you two to four points, and you can keep your earnings or buy points and coins to gain more clients. Yes, it is true that when you get a good score on Upwork, you can get very good projects, and the price of the job on Upwork is also very good compared to five. You can also download an experience certificate. And you can use this rating to add classification to other independent sites

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You can earn a minimum of $100 on Upwork and collect money directly from a bank account in Pakistan. a further fact is that Upwork pays 20% of your earnings. If you make ten dollars, work two dollars



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